A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Emotional Health: Amy Fritz on Toxic Work Environments & How Betrayal Blindness Keeps Employees T...

Discover the shocking truth about toxic work environments and the defense mechanism that keeps us blind to the abuse. Join host Lori Adams-Brown as she interviews whistleblower Amy Fritz, who exposes the dark underbelly of a faith-based organization, leaving you questioning who you can trust and what lies beneath the surface of your own workplace.

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Discover the need for addressing unhealthy work conditions prevalent in faith-driven spaces.
• Grasp how turning a blind eye to betrayal contributes to toxic workplaces.
• Unearth the complex process of reconciling faith with the practices of Christian authorities and groups.
• Recognize the extensive impact of harmful work conditions on employees and their families.
• Know the vital role of opposing maltreatment and backing individuals on their journey of faith.

My special guest is Amy Fritz

Meet Amy Fritz: a champion for people who have found themselves wrapped up in toxic work environments and a tireless advocate for the exposure of complicated coping mechanisms like betrayal blindness. Drawing from her personal journey and deeply-rooted faith, Amy has turned the lessons from her experiences into a brave and confronting podcast, “Untangled Faith (https://untangledfaithpodcast.com/) ”. Here, she illuminates the pervasive issues often hidden in the background of workplaces, offering understanding, solidarity and hope to those battling similar demons. Amy personifies the transformative power of speaking out, keeping her faith at the heart of all she does.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Check out Amy Fritz's podcast, Untangled Faith (https://untangledfaithpodcast.com/) , for community, encouragement, and anti-gaslighting support for those who have had difficult experiences with toxic work environments and churches.
• Attend Podcast Movement (https://2023.podcastmovement.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&adgroup=&keyword=&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5f2lBhCkARIsAHeTvli8yyASaZFzdBEomJuNsnKpN2SoZH5wctlM651WLwU6Xh7mr34DzugaAlgyEALw_wcB) in Denver in August to meet both Amy Fritz and Lori Adams-Brown, and connect with other podcast hosts and industry professionals.
• Read Jennifer Fried's book, Blind to Betrayal, to gain a deeper understanding of betrayal blindness and its impact on individuals in toxic environments.
• Explore the concept of Darvo (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender) coined by the same person who introduced the term betrayal blindness. This can help shed light on manipulative tactics used in toxic environments.
• Reflect on the potential costs of staying in a toxic work environment or church, such as the loss of income, community, and relationships. Consider seeking professional guidance or support in making difficult decisions.
• Take steps to recognize betrayal blindness

Betrayal blindness can prevent us from recognizing toxic work environments and the harm they can cause. - Amy Fritz

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Introduction,

00:01:19 - Amy's Background and Podcast,

00:07:46 - Betrayal Blindness,

00:12:36 - Impact on Relationships and Community,

00:14:57 - Amy's Experience with Ramsey Solutions,

00:16:49 - Volunteering Information and Admin Duties,

00:18:35 - Gossip and Negative Feedback,

00:20:00 - Toxic Culture and Cover-ups,

00:22:25 - Resignation and Lies,

00:27:06 - Image Management and Abuse,

00:32:56 - Dave's Endorsement of Timeshare Exit Team,

00:35:29 - Untangling Faith and Trust in Institutions,

00:37:47 - Permission to Question and Leave Institutions,

00:39:42 - Navigating Toxicity in Faith Institutions,

00:42:24 - Amy's Contact Information,

Seeing hard things requires making difficult decisions and facing the high costs that come with it. - Amy Fritz

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:02 - Introduction,

This episode features guest Amy Fritz, host of the Untangled Faith Podcast. Amy shares her experience of being married to someone who worked in a toxic work environment and how it led her to start her own podcast. She discusses the concept of betrayal blindness and the challenges of speaking out against abuse and toxic environments.

00:01:19 - Amy's Background and Podcast,

Amy talks about her podcast, Untangled Faith, which provides a community for those who have had difficult experiences with their faith. She shares her own journey of disillusionment with the church and the impact of toxic pastors and plagiarism in sermons. Amy emphasizes her passion for speaking out against unhealthy practices in faith-based spaces.

00:07:46 - Betrayal Blindness,

Amy explains the concept of betrayal blindness and how it can prevent individuals from recognizing toxic situations. She shares her own experience of betrayal blindness and the fear of losing income and community if she s...

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