A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Johnna Harris's Story of Spiritual and Emotional Abuse and Advocating for Survivors

In the world of religion, Johnna Harris was a shining example of faith and dedication. But behind the facade of her leadership, lies a heartbreaking tale of betrayal and emotional turmoil. As she unravels her journey, Johnna's raw and candid storytelling reveals the devastating impact of religious abuse on her life. But just when it seems like all hope is lost, a surprising turn of events leaves her standing at a crossroads, unsure of what the future holds.

My special guest is Johnna Harris

Johnna Harris (https://twitter.com/johnnarae?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) serves as the co-host of the "Bodies Behind the Bus (https://www.instagram.com/bbtbpod/?hl=en) " podcast and is an advocate for survivors of religious abuse. Based on her personal experiences as a former staff member at a California church, Johnna actively engages in supporting survivors and recently specifically involved in supporting survivors seeking justice within the Southern Baptist Convention environment. Her involvement with Sacred Wilderness and her consistent presence on social media platforms demonstrates her commitment to listening to survivors' voices and amplifying their stories. With a deep understanding of religious abuse and its devastating effects, Johnna's work reflects her dedication to promoting healing and advocating for change in religious abuse contexts.

I fully relate to and understand why someone wouldn't go there and would say, it's very relatable when you start thinking about Donald Trump. To me, when you think about how the church in America, western evangelicals, really latched on to Donald Trump and said, this is our guy. This is who we're standing behind. This is who God put in office. This is God's candidate. And a lot of us started saying, wait, has anything you've ever said to me been true? - Johnna Harris

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Discover the healing power of professional support for survivors of religious abuse.
• Uncover the impact of spiritual abuse within religious institutions.
• Empower yourself through the art of storytelling and advocacy in the journey of healing.
• Explore the unique challenges faced by women in religious leadership roles.
• Learn about the devastating effects of religious abuse and how to overcome them.

Discover the healing power

Healing from religious abuse is an essential aspect of reclaiming your life. This healing process often includes seeking professional help, such as the online therapy platform BetterHelp (www.betterhelp.com/difference) mentioned by host Lori Adams-Brown (https://www.loriadamsbrown.com/) . Harnessing the healing power by taking care of oneself, working through past trauma, and seeking justice for the injustice committed can be an empowering experience that is crucial in a survivor's journey.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Visit www.betterhelp.com/difference to get 10% off your first month of professional help through Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/difference) .
• Tune in to the next episode of the podcast to hear more about the specific issues in the Southern Baptist Convention and Johnna's calls to action for advocacy and change.
• Take the time to do something nice for yourself today as an act of self-care and self-love. It's important to prioritize your own well-being.
• Check out the Bodies Behind the Bus podcast to listen to stories of those who have experienced abuse within the Western evangelical church and to be a part of the survivor community.

But the survivor community is coming out of this religious context that's very fundamentalist. And we are definitely playing that out on each other now, outside of that, and I don't think it has to be that way. I think we can choose a better way and I think we can learn nuance. - Johnna Harris

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Introduction to Johnna Harris

00:03:15 - Trigger Warning and Two-Part Episode

00:07:25 - Complementarianism vs. Egalitarianism

00:14:59 - Investigation by Baptist Network

00:16:10 - Founding Bodies Behind the Bus Podcast

00:17:05 - The Complexity of Abuse and Loss of Community

00:19:42 - Betrayal and Community Disbelief

00:22:55 - Faith and Integrity

00:26:49 - Wounded Healers and Nuance

00:34:08 - Johnna's Advocacy Journey

00:35:03 - Johnna's Concerns and Calls to Action

00:36:33 - Using Influence for Good

00:37:55 - Closing Remarks and Call to Action

I'm learning that my voice is okay, like, I can be myself. - Johnna Harris

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:02 - Introduction to Johnna Harris

Lori introduces Jonna Harris, the co-host of Bodies behind the Bus podcast, who shares her experiences of spiritual abuse in a religious environment and her advocacy for survivors.

00:03:15 - Trigger Warning and Two-Part Episode


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