A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Mary DeMuth: Unleashing the Power of Writing on Healing and Empowerment After Abuse

In a world of secrets and betrayal, Mary DeMuth (https://www.marydemuth.com/) found her voice through writing. But when she mustered the courage to share her story, she faced the unthinkable: rejection from loved ones. Now, she's on a mission to confront abuse within religious institutions, but will the church be ready to listen?

This episode is sponsored by Better Health.

My special guest is Mary DeMuth

Mary DeMuth is an accomplished writer and speaker with an extensive body of work, including almost 50 published books. Her latest release, the 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge (https://www.amazon.com/90-Day-Bible-Reading-Challenge-Change/dp/0764242040?crid=2OMJXASD0PRHK&keywords=90+day+bible+reading+challenge+mary+demuth&qid=1695756144&sprefix=90+day+bi,aps,174&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=wwwrelevantpr-20&linkId=1e1612563deedfcd9282a15f6abd6d1b&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) , showcases her dedication to helping others restory their lives through the power of words. In addition to her literary achievements, Mary is a survivor of childhood abuse, and her book We Too (https://www.amazon.com/We-Too-Church-Respond-Redemptively-ebook/dp/B07SSFSKYD/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1CKYBBAL8DUD9&keywords=we+too&qid=1696364759&s=digital-text&sprefix=we+too%2Cdigital-text%2C122&sr=1-2) sheds light on the complex issue of abuse within faith communities. Through her writing and advocacy, Mary has become a powerful voice for change, challenging religious institutions to address and prevent abuse. Her insights and personal experiences make her a highly respected figure in the field. With a wealth of knowledge and a genuine desire to empower survivors, Mary DeMuth is a guest whose expertise and story will resonate with listeners of "A World of Difference."

"I kind of am the, I don't know, the crash test dummy of authors because I've tried everything and there was no romantic story about being discovered one day. It was just a hard slog." Mary DeMuth

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Discover the transformative power of writing as a tool for healing and self-expression in the aftermath of abuse within religious institutions.
• Learn about the unique challenges survivors face in finding support and understanding within the context of religious communities and institutions.
• Gain insight into the historical and contextual interpretation of the Bible, helping survivors navigate its teachings with a deeper understanding and perspective.
• Explore the importance of differentiating between descriptive and prescriptive passages in the Bible, empowering survivors to embrace the life-affirming messages and discard the harmful ones, often used to spiritually abuse them.
• Find inspiration and encouragement by hearing the stories of other survivors who have found healing, support, and empowerment, sparking hope for their own journey of recovery.

"So it was born out of just this frustration that I believe faith communities are some of the best places to heal from trauma and abuse, or they should be. So often they've become not only perpetrators of that kind of violence, but also secondary trauma of not believing, of blaming the victim. Oddly, for me, the church for me was a very healing place. I completely acknowledge that for many people, that is not the truth and not the case." Mary DeMuth

Gain insight into the unique challenges survivors face. Survivors of abuse within religious settings are confronted with a unique set of challenges. The expectation of religious institutions to serve as safe havens can often lead to greater harm when they fail to provide support and understanding. As Mary highlights, these systems are often ill-equipped to handle cases of abuse, making the journey toward healing more difficult for survivors. This episode provides a crucial look at these challenges and offers guidance for overcoming them.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Pause the podcast and listen at a time when there are no children around.
• Take care of yourself and pause the episode if you have experienced abuse or if you're having trouble processing your emotions.
• Visit www.BetterHelp.com/difference to get 10% off your first month of therapy.
• Sign up for a therapist on BetterHelp.com and get started on your healing journey.
• Check out Mary DeMuth's website at MaryDemuth.com (https://www.marydemuth.com/) for her literary work.
• Listen to Mary DeMuth's daily Prayer podcast with 4.5 million downloads, called Pray Everyday Show (www.prayeveryday.show) .
• Visit MaryDemuth.com/art for cards, prints, and other artsy fun.
• Explore Mary DeMuth's literary agency at MaryDemuthLiterary.com.
• Write and don't worry about perfection. Just get your words down on the page.
• Read Mary DeMuth's book We Too (https://www.amazon.com/We-Too-Church-Respond-Redemptively-ebook/dp/B07SSFSKYD/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1CKYBBAL8DUD9&keywords=we+too&qid=1696364759&s=digit...

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