A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Norma Braga Venâncio's Courageous Journey of Advocacy, Justice and Exposing Abuse in Brazil in Fa...

Does the experience of abuse within religious communities sound familiar to you? Have you been told to simply pray it away and forgive without addressing the pain and trauma you've endured? The weight of carrying this burden alone can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling unheard and powerless. But there is hope for healing and empowerment beyond these ineffective actions.

Brave survivor turned advocate, Norma Braga Venâncio, exposes the export of abuse within Brazil's faith-based spaces, sparking a courageous fight for healing and justice against the very institutions meant to protect.

In the depths of her devotion, she never anticipated the painful truth that awaited her. As she embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, she uncovered a reality that shattered her perception of her faith community. The unexpected twist in her story will leave you captivated and yearning for resolution. Join us as we unravel the gripping tale of Norma Braga Venâncio's courageous journey.

My special guest is Norma Braga Venâncio

Norma Braga Venâncio, a theologian, image consultant, and author hailing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a remarkable figure in the domain of women's empowerment and theological discourse. Her profound understanding of the impact of abuse on personal theology, self-esteem, and relationships, backed by her own experiences as an abuse survivor, amplifies the authenticity and depth of her work. Norma's commitment to shedding light on the sensitive intersection of faith and abuse, coupled with her warmth and compassion, makes her an invaluable resource for those seeking healing and empowerment. Through her compelling writing and speaking, Norma has emerged as a guiding light, offering solace and insight to survivors of abuse within religious communities in Brazil and beyond.
We have to be aware and protect the wife above the marriage. - Norma Braga Venâncio

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Uncovering the hidden truth about abuse in religious communities.
• Understanding the impact of neocolonialist Christianity on self-image and abuse.
• Embracing a holistic approach to self-esteem for empowerment.
• Identifying the dangers of religious power and oppression for a safer future.
• Building safe and healing environments for survivors to thrive.

Understanding the impact

The fallout of abuse is multidimensional, touching not only the survivor's physical space but also their mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Norma's personal journey of navigating the aftermath of abuse offers a raw insight into the lasting damage. Recognizing the need for informed support, she underscores the critical need for both empathetic understanding and professional therapeutic channels for survivors to embark on their path to recovery.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Follow Norma Braga Venâncio on Twitter at @NormaBragaVenancio for more of her writing and speaking on theology, self-image, and abuse survivor advocacy.
• Join the A World of Difference Patreon community at patreon.com/AWorldOfDifference to access exclusive interviews, including an in-depth conversation with Norma Braga Venâncio about her personal experience as an abuse survivor and her strategies for healing.
• Connect with Lori Adams-Brown on Twitter at @Loriadbr and on Instagram at @LoriAdamsBrown to share your own stories of making a difference and stay updated on upcoming podcast episodes and content.
• Visit www.betterhelp.com/difference to get 10% off your first month of professional therapy and counseling services. Take the first step towards healing and self-care with the support of trained professionals.
• Educate yourself on abuse and trauma by reading books and listening to survivor stories. Understanding the impact of abuse can help you better support survivors in their healing journey.
• Consider amplifying the voices of abuse survivors and advocating for transparency, truth, and protection within faith-based spaces. Together, we can work towards creating safe and healing environments for all individuals.

Read books about abuse, listen to stories, and let yourself be educated, because it's very important. Abuse is something that you have to be educated. It's not simple to understand. - Norma Braga Venâncio

Embracing a holistic approach

Addressing abuse necessitates a comprehensive approach that considers all facets of human existence, including the cognitive, emotional, and aesthetic dimensions. Norma, amalgamating her theological and image consultation backgrounds, proposes a new paradigm. It includes healing from trauma, restoring self-image, instilling a sense of worth, and reclaiming one's identity as a significant and valued member of the community.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Trigger Warning and Sponsorship Message

00:02:29 - Introduction to Norma Braga Venâncio

00:04:40 - Norma's Personal Journey with Abuse and Theolo...

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