A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Lydia Matioli on Building a Community Response to Sexual Violence: From Silence to Support

In a world where silence shrouds the darkness, one woman's journey emerges from the depths of despair. Lydia Matioli's story is a haunting reminder that evil can lurk where we least expect it. From the hands of a trusted pastor to the horrors witnessed by her best friend, Lydia's path is marked by heartbreak and resilience. But as she embarks on a mission to end the cycle of sexual violence, a twist awaits, a twist that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

My special guest is Lydia Matioli

Lydia Matioli is a highly accomplished professional in the field of sexual violence prevention and awareness. With a Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Women, and Development Studies and over eight years of experience in program design and community outreach, Lydia has established herself as a knowledgeable and respected figure in the industry. As the Programs and Partnerships Director at Freely and Hope, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of sexual violence in Kenya and Zambia, Lydia plays a pivotal role in designing and implementing effective programs and initiatives. Her work focuses on creating sustainable solutions and empowering abuse survivors and advocates to become leaders in their communities. Notably, Lydia recently released a children's book titled "Pendo's Power," which aims to educate children on recognizing and reporting sexual abuse. With her extensive expertise and commitment to making a difference, Lydia is a valuable guest on the A World of Difference podcast, offering invaluable insights and strategies for increasing awareness and prevention of sexual violence.
I wanted to be a lawyer so that whatever happened to me cannot happen to anyone else. I wanted to be a doctor to support other survivors. - Lydia Matioli

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Learn effective strategies to prevent sexual violence and create a safer environment for your family.
• Explore the influence of cultural beliefs on sexual violence and gain insights to challenge harmful norms.
• Discover healing resources and support systems to empower survivors towards their journey of recovery.
• Understand the importance of community engagement in addressing sexual violence and creating lasting change.
• Equip children with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to abuse, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Healing and Support Options

The journey towards healing following sexual abuse is a tortuous path that necessitates ample support, understanding, and patience. Lydia stresses the importance of survivors being part of support groups like Freely in Hope and having access to referral services. Turning trauma into advocacy, sharing one's story, and challenging unacceptable stigmas are all vital elements of a holistic healing process.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Check out Lydia Matioli's new book, Pendo's Power, a children's book that helps kids recognize and report sexual abuse.
• Visit the website of Freely and Hope (https://www.freelyinhope.org/) , the organization Lydia works with, to learn more about their programs and initiatives to end sexual violence.
• If you have experienced abuse or trauma and need professional help, visit BetterHelp.com to find a therapist who can provide support and guidance.
• Take advantage of the 10% discount on your first month at BetterHelp.com/difference today.
• Follow Lydia Matioli on social media to stay updated on her work and advocacy efforts.
• Spread the word about Pendo's Power and the importance of educating children about consent and personal boundaries.
• Consider volunteering or supporting local organizations that work towards ending sexual violence in your community.
• Have open and honest conversations with children about consent, personal boundaries, and safe spaces.
• Educate yourself on the signs of abuse and how to respond if someone discloses their experience to you.
• Support survivors of abuse by listening, believing, and validating their experiences.

You do not have the right to have sex with a woman. A woman is a human being just like you, with the same rights, just like you. - Lydia Matioli

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Introduction

00:01:13 - Lydia's Work and Book

00:02:29 - Trigger Warning and Sponsor

00:04:33 - Introduction to Lydia Matioli

00:09:08 - Impact of Sexual Violence

00:18:21 - The Influence of Generational Beliefs on Sexual Violence

00:20:20 - Impact on Faith Communities

00:24:17 - Writing "Pendo's Power" to Address Child Sexual Abuse

00:30:31 - Empowering Children in the Face of Abuse

00:36:31 - The Impact of Healing and Advocacy

00:37:35 - The Complexity of Healing

00:39:45 - Best Practices for Healing

00:41:18 - The Power of Storytelling

00:53:54 - Join the World of Difference Community on Patreon

00:54:31 - Make a...

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